Annie Leonhart- Attack on Titans

Cosplayer name- Sanskriti Puri

Sanskriti Puri has been doing cosplay since last two years. She told me the reason behind it in the interview saying that recently, I watched Attack on Titan and I was attracted by the female Titan Annie Leonhart Attack on Titans . So, I decided to do the cosplay of Annie Leonhart from Attack on Titans.

annie leonhart

I love her fearless character and the strength she holds. In the story after Eren, she was the person who turns into a Titan so that’s why I really liked it. As every other fan, it surprised me too. It gave me the motivation to do her cosplay as I found her really gutsy and strong. After deciding that, I took the help of my sister. She herself is a cosplayer and have amazing artistic talent.

So she with the help of makeup made all the features of the character on my body, using red lipstick and black eye shadow the features were made. After that, I styled my blond wig into Annie’s hairstyle. Everything took 30 minutes to prepare. After everything, I got some pictures clicked, it took 15 minutes in that. So, I transformed myself into Female Titan in 45 minutes. Therefore, the cosplay.

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