Jade Form Mortal Kombat 11

Cosplayer Blogs is honored to present another cosplay of Suriya Banu. She cosplayed as Jade Form Mortal Kombat 11 at the PGAX 2019, Chennai. While asked about her experience she said it was a memorable event as it was my first time working as an official cosplay influencer. I also got to meet a fellow cosplayer who was cosplaying as Scorpion from the same game. We took a lot of pictures and had an amazing time together.


It took me about a month to make the entire costume as it required a lot of initial research. I made the body armor with foam and rexine. The staff was made with acrylic tubes and LED lighting. I made the staff into 3 connectable pieces that are easier to transport. To diffuse the lighting inside the tube, I used a panel fluorescent light tube cover made of polycarbonate, commonly used in tube-lights. I also used the Lithium-ion batteries to make the power last longer. It was provided with a button switch to turn the LEDs off when not in use. 

jade cosplay

Cosplayer Blogs asked her some more questions as follows:

  • How do you chose who you’re going to cosplay?

Normally while playing games or watching anime, some characters always leave an impact. Be it their story or weapon or style or even attitude. I pick characters that impact me the most and those that I can relate to. 

  •  Dream Cosplay

My dream cosplay is Gun goddess Miss Fortune from League of legends and also a Gundam cosplay.

jade mortal combat
  • Cute or mature cosplays

I feel that I have out-grown cute cosplays, or better to put that I do not relate to cute characters much. I enjoy watching them but cannot imagine portraying them in my cosplays. So, I prefer mature cosplays over cutesy ones.

  • Least favorite cosplay

My least favorite cosplay in Edward Elric from Fullmetal alchemist. It is not because I hate the character. On the contrary, I love Ed and feel that I could have done a better job on the cosplay. I feel disappointed about not delivering the cosplay.

  •  How many conventions have you been to?

Honestly, I have lost count of the number of conventions that I have attended. It is definitely more than 20. I love going to conventions. If not in cosplays, just to meet and interact with people with similar interests. Recently I got an invitation as a cosplay judge to IIT Anime Fest and Gamer connect, Chennai.

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Instagram Handle- https://www.instagram.com/hikari_jane/?hl=en